Sunday, April 18, 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of Memory

The advantages of having a good memory are infinite. A retentive and accurate memory is one of life's most essential tools needed to be able to learn and to be successful in life. Having a good memory affords one the ability to learn and remember a wide range of things varying from such things as skills that he or she has learned, life experiences, people, relationships, emotions, to where he or she parked the car in the parking lot. There are two types of memory that categorize how we remember and both are necessary for learning to occur. Implicit memory refers to those things one learns without really thinking about it such as breathing or driving a car. Explicit memory refers to the ability of one to consciously recall specific things such as what you had for supper last night or where you last had your car keys. As mentioned in a previous post, without memory learning would not occur and would yield catastrophic consequences on not only one's personal life but his or her professional life as well. For example, the employee who cannot remember his responsibilities and is always using the excuse "I forgot" would most likely lose his or her job.

"A bad memory is such a handicap in life that everyone realizes the advantages of a good one" (Language123, 2009). The only disadvantage of having a good memory would be the inability to forget things one may wish he or she could. For example, one may wish that they could forget traumatic experiences such as rape, abuse, or witnessing a murder. On a lighter note, another example of something we wish we could forget may be that of the proverbial song we cannot get out of our head.


Language123. (2009, March 30). The advantages and disadvantages of a good memory [Web log post]. Retrieved


  1. Susan,

    Excellent blog! Very informative and interesting.

  2. Susan,
    Your blog was great! Very interesting. I enjoyed reading it.
