Friday, April 16, 2010

The Importance and Usage of Memory in Learning

The ability to recall previously acquired information involves three processes: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Information that is obtained must be processed through encoding, then stored and later retrieved as needed. Information stored may be forgotten and is dependent upon how the information was learned and how often the information is used. Information not retrieved can be replaced with new memories and/or forgotten related to the lack of use (Cherry, 2010). Almost everything we do involves our memory. Whether is it remembering phone numbers, people's faces, names, anniversaries, how to ride a bicycle, or recalling a certain emotion felt as the result of one of our life experiences, our ability to remember and our reliance on our memory affects every aspect of our lives. It allows us to make a psychological connection between the past, present, and future and subsequently helps us to adjust our experiences and decisions so that we are less likely to make the same mistakes twice. Without memory such skills as problem-solving, critical thinking, and reading comprehension would not be possible. Additionally, the better our memory is in certain situations, the more likely we will be to complete tasks and acheive our goals quicker and more proficiently (Noll, 2010).


Cherry, K. (2010). Memory. Retrieved from

Noll, C. (2010). Importance of memory. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Susan.
    The blog is very well done! I love the colors and graphics, and the information is clearly presented and interesting. Good job!

  2. Julie,

    Thank you for your kind words! As I stated in an earlier post, this is my first attempt to do a blog and it is still very much a work in progress. I just wanted to go ahead and get it out there so that I could get everyone's opinion and to intiate the discussion. Thanks so much for you participation.

  3. Looks great, Susan! Very informative and clearly stated. Keep it up! Emily B.
